Package-level declarations


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annotation class a
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interface Converter<FROM : Any, TO : Any>

A type converter. Converter an instance from type A to type B.

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interface Converters

Convert instance type.

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Some Annotation metadata.

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interface KAnnotationTool

KAnnotation tool interface.


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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.createAnnotation(properties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(), base: A? = null): A
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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.getAnnotation(element: KAnnotatedElement, exclude: Set<String> = emptySet()): A?
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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.getAnnotations(element: KAnnotatedElement, exclude: Set<String> = emptySet()): List<A>
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fun KAnnotationTool(cacheMap: MutableMap<KAnnotatedElement, MutableMap<KClass<out Annotation>, Annotation>> = WeakHashMap(), nullCacheMap: MutableMap<KAnnotatedElement, MutableSet<KClass<out Annotation>>> = mutableMapOf(), converters: Converters = nonConverters()): KAnnotationTool

Get a default implementation of KAnnotationTool.

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