
Some Annotation metadata.




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object Companion


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abstract val annotationType: KClass<A>

Get annotation type, Just like Annotation::class.

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The Deprecated.level if isDeprecated == true or empty.

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abstract val isDeprecated: Boolean

Check if Deprecated is marked.

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Check if MustBeDocumented is marked.

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abstract val isRepeatable: Boolean

Is a repeatable annotation.

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Get all properties with their default value (if it exists).

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abstract val propertyNames: Set<String>

Get current annotation type 's all property name.

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abstract val propertyTypes: Map<String, KType>

Get current annotation type 's all properties with their type.

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Get RetentionPolicy of this annotation.

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Get Set<AnnotationTarget> of this annotation.


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abstract operator fun contains(name: String): Boolean

Determine whether a certain property exists.

abstract operator fun contains(type: AnnotationTarget): Boolean

Detect whether there is a target type.

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abstract fun getAnnotationValue(property: String, annotation: @UnsafeVariance A): Any?

Get property value of specified annotation instance with property name.

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abstract fun getProperties(annotation: @UnsafeVariance A): Map<String, Any>

Get properties of specified annotation instance.

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abstract fun getPropertyDefaultValue(property: String): Any?

Get default value of property of the specified property name.

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abstract fun getPropertyNamingMap(targetType: KClass<out Annotation>, targetPropertyName: String): String?

Get the property mapping for target type.

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abstract fun getPropertyNamingMaps(targetType: KClass<out Annotation>): Map<String, String>

Get the property mappings for target type. The key is targetType 's property name, value is current type's property.

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abstract fun getPropertyType(property: String): KType?

Get the type of the property of the specified property name.