
KAnnotation tool interface.

The KAnnotation tool interface provides some abstract methods to define some operations for annotations, such as .getAnnotation, .getProperties or directly constructing an annotation instance, etc.

You can implement this interface any way you like, but of course, the library provides a default implementation, as well as an implementation of the instance provided by KAnnotationTool: SimpleKAnnotationTool.



See also


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abstract fun clearCache()

Clean internal annotation instance cache. (if exists.)

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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.createAnnotation(properties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(), base: A? = null): A
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open fun <A : Annotation> createAnnotationInstance(annotationType: KClass<A>): A
open fun <A : Annotation> createAnnotationInstance(annotationType: KClass<A>, properties: Map<String, Any>): A

Create an annotation proxy instance.

abstract fun <A : Annotation> createAnnotationInstance(annotationType: KClass<A>, properties: Map<String, Any>, base: A?): A

Create an annotation instance.

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open fun <A : Annotation> getAnnotation(fromElement: KAnnotatedElement, annotationType: KClass<A>): A?

Get annotation instance fromElement KAnnotatedElement. e.g. fromElement Function or KClass.

abstract fun <A : Annotation> getAnnotation(fromElement: KAnnotatedElement, annotationType: KClass<A>, excludes: Set<String>): A?

Get annotation instance from KAnnotatedElement. e.g. from Function or KClass.

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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.getAnnotation(element: KAnnotatedElement, exclude: Set<String> = emptySet()): A?
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abstract fun getAnnotationPropertyTypes(annotationType: KClass<out Annotation>): Map<String, KType>

Get annotation type's value types.

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open fun <A : Annotation> getAnnotations(element: KAnnotatedElement, annotationType: KClass<A>): List<A>

Get a repeatable annotation instance from KAnnotatedElement. e.g. from Function or KClass.

abstract fun <A : Annotation> getAnnotations(element: KAnnotatedElement, annotationType: KClass<A>, excludes: Set<String>): List<A>

Get annotation instance list from KAnnotatedElement.

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inline fun <A : Annotation> KAnnotationTool.getAnnotations(element: KAnnotatedElement, exclude: Set<String> = emptySet()): List<A>
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abstract fun <A : Annotation> getAnnotationValues(annotation: A): Map<String, Any>

Get annotation values.

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open fun getProperties(annotation: Annotation): Set<String>
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abstract fun getPropertyNames(annotation: Annotation): Set<String>

Get annotation property names.