Package-level declarations




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interface ApiDescription

对一个 API 类型的描述,属性格式与 接口权限对象 中的相关信息保持一致。

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@SerialName(value = "n")
data class Gateway(val url: String) : GatewayInfo

一个用于连接 websocket 的地址。GatewayApis.Normal 的响应体。

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sealed class GatewayApis<R : GatewayInfo>(val path: Array<String>, val resultDeserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<R>) : GetQQGuildApi<R>


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Base sealed class for Gateway and GatewayWithShard.

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@SerialName(value = "s")
data class GatewayWithShard(val url: String, val shards: Int, val sessionStartLimit: SessionStartLimit) : GatewayInfo

一个用于连接 websocket 的地址。同时返回建议的分片数,以及目前连接数使用情况。 GatewayApis.Shared 的响应体。

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abstract class GetQQGuildApi<R : Any> : GetApiDefinition<R> , QQGuildApi<R>
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消息被审核' 异常。 当推送、回复消息时响应的 code 错误码为 304023304024 时会在响应数据包 data 中返回 MessageAudit 审核消息的信息, 例如:

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data class MessageAuditedId(val auditId: String)

推送、回复消息时响应的 '消息被审核' 数据信息。

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abstract class PatchQQGuildApi<R : Any> : PutQQGuildApi<R> , QQGuildApi<R>
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abstract class PutQQGuildApi<R : Any> : PutApiDefinition<R> , QQGuildApi<R>
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interface QQGuildApi<out R : Any> : ApiDefinition<R>


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data class SessionStartLimit(val total: Int, val remaining: Int, val resetAfter: Int, val maxConcurrency: Int)
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abstract class SimpleApiDescription(method: HttpMethod, val path: String) : ApiDescription

ApiDescription 的基本抽象实现类,直接通过构造进行继承。

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SimpleApiDescription 的基本抽象实现,method 提供为 HttpMethod.Delete

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SimpleApiDescription 的基本抽象实现,method 提供为 GET

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SimpleApiDescription 的基本抽象实现,method 提供为 HttpMethod.Patch

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SimpleApiDescription 的基本抽象实现,method 提供为 POST

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SimpleApiDescription 的基本抽象实现,method 提供为 HttpMethod.Put


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用于在 QQGuildApi.request 及其衍生API中输出相关日志的 Logger。 开启 love.forte.simbot.qguild.apiDEBUG 级别日志可以得到更多在 API 请求过程中产生的信息。 注意:这可能会暴露其中的参数、返回值等,请注意保护敏感信息。

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格式值:"BOT_APPID", 机器人 AppID


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用于在Java中构建一个默认的 HttpClient

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fun newJson(build: Consumer<JsonBuilder> = Consumer { it.apply { isLenient = true ignoreUnknownKeys = true } }): Json

用于在Java中构建一个 Json

Inherited functions

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用于判断两个 ApiDescription 中的两个属性是否相同。

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suspend fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.request(client: HttpClient, token: String? = null, server: Url? = null, appId: String? = null): HttpResponse

使用 client 向当前目标 API QQGuildApi 发起请求。

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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestAsync(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): CompletableFuture<HttpResponse>
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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestBlocking(client: HttpClient, token: String?, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, appId: String? = null): HttpResponse
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suspend fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.requestData(client: HttpClient, token: String?, server: Url? = QQGuild.URL, decoder: Json = QQGuild.DefaultJson, appId: String? = null): R


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fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.requestDataAsync(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): CompletableFuture<R>
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fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.requestDataBlocking(client: HttpClient, token: String?, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, appId: String? = null): R
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fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.requestDataReserve(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): SuspendReserve<R>
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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestReserve(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): SuspendReserve<HttpResponse>
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inline suspend fun <R : Any> QQGuildApi<R>.requestText(client: HttpClient, token: String?, server: Url? = QQGuild.URL, appId: String? = null, useResp: (HttpResponse) -> Unit = {}): String

通过 request 得到响应,读取为文本并输出debug日志后返回。 不会进行校验。

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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestTextAsync(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): CompletableFuture<String>
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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestTextBlocking(client: HttpClient, token: String?, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, appId: String? = null): String
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fun QQGuildApi<*>.requestTextReserve(client: HttpClient, token: String, server: Url = QQGuild.URL, scope: CoroutineScope? = null, appId: String? = null): SuspendReserve<String>